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The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (Russian)
Video > Movies
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The Twilight Saga Eclipse
+2 / -2 (0)

Jul 1, 2010

Информация о серии

Название: Сумерки. Сага. Затмение
Оригинальное название: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Год выхода: 2010
Жанр: ужасы, триллер, фэнтези, мелодрама
Режиссер: Дэвид Слэйд
В ролях: Кристен Стюарт, Роберт Паттинсон, Тэйлор Лотнер, Билли Бёрк, Эшли Грин, Джексон Рэтбоун, Никки Рид, Келлан Латс, Элизабет Ризер, Питер Фачинелли

О фильме:
Сиэтл охвачен чередой таинственных убийств, а обуреваемая жаждой мести вампирша продолжает поиски Беллы, снова оказавшейся в смертельной опасности. Кроме того, находясь в эпицентре всех событий, Белла вынуждена делать выбор между любовью к Эдварду и дружбой с Джейкобом, зная что ее решение может послужить толчком к возобновлению давнего противостояния между вампирами и оборотнями. Помимо всего прочего, ей предстоит принять еще одно важное решение: жизнь или смерть, ведь окончание средней школы уже не за горами.

Выпущено: США, Summit Entertainment
Продолжительность: 1:53:00
Перевод: Дублированный

Формат: XviD
Качество: CAMRip
Видео: 352x288, 717 кб/с
Звук: AC-3,2 channels,128 Kbps



how to put some scree?
:'( Every language except darn english!! lol
i guess it is dubed to russian
omg the quality from the screen caps seems awesome but Russian?
anyway there is an English version?
yes its dubbed
sorry my english skills are limited xD what does "dubbed" mean :p
is there a english version yet!
where are the english ver
dubbed means if a film is in a certain language, the sound is changed into a foreign other language.
? ???? ?????????? ?????? ???????, ???? ??????????, ??? ????? ??? :)
Darn, my above comment was in Russian *.*, It said, I do not understand spoken Russian, only Macedonian, but thank you :)
oh thanks :p i didn't know that :)
It's a good cam only the beginning of the movie isn't correct. Maybe you was too late with filming because the first scene starts with Riley.
i am beggin for english one please please please where is english eclipse
It is in Russian but I'll cont 2 seed until another version is out. Be patient. V/7 (for cam) & for picky people V/4 (general)
THX for upload this is good yessssssssssss :-)
No sound :( :(
those of you wanting an english version will just have to wait for a release group like IMAGINE or PRISM to aquire the english soundtrack and use this video to make a telesynch (TS). Given their previous record that should only be a day or 2 from now so just be patient and look out for a TS being posted across numerous VIP and trusted accounts as that will then be a genuine release.
And TYVM for uploading this as it gives people the raw material they need to make an english language TS, without people uploading these foriegn language versions we would wait a lot longer for an English TS release.
How could it be that an American made film comes out first in Russia subbed? Isn't it logical that it would first be in English??? The English version is being suppressed...
It's ok. Sound is russian! it is NOT FAKE!

but i remember new moon english version released in 1 day at first spanish version then english eclipse its come too late i dont know why
What program have for movie?
Because for me with the Avi Movie Player not sound.
Use VLC, lol. People, if your crud isn't working, use VLC, it has been told many times to use that. It's the only program that works most of the time w/o codecs needed to download.
thank you!
Crispbac, you are amazing.

The PM Player will play .avi along with many other video and music formats.

There was an English DVDSCR torrent. I downloaded it only to find an RAR file without the password. There was a link included that directed you to a site that offered 50% off the normal subscription price of like seventy dollars or so.

F%$ging spammers!
Wow! I was surprised but it works! It's the real movie, just the one I saw in the cinema yesterday! The quality is poor sometimes but on the whole it's watchable. Thanks a million!
Sigh !
If only I understood Russian !
the scene time one is in Russian too
there will be a english version on in about an hour people so keep ya eye out!!
Ok twilight has aired across the us all last night and already 1 if not 2 showings this afternoon all across fact britain should have had two airings by is an english copy of twilight from britian or sweden or somewhere...
Peanuts4snoopy the pre screening isnt on in england till the 2nd july at midnight
Well that sucks...
eclipse is on theater here in philippines yet people dont have an english copy..... wher is the english one?
Can Sombody tell me that when is ENG dvdrip be available.,.,Especiall AXXO versionn !! :-s
@TalhaBhatti I wouldn't plan on a DVDrip until either right before or right after it is available on DVD which if I had to guess will be about 4-6 months from for a eng cam i would expect a decent real one in the next 24-48 hours
Thanks for your post Despo1ler. I'm kind of a newb yet and I was wondering how they did the TS mixes on some of these.

I've seen some compliments on some of these foreign uploads. The VIPs & Trusteds do pro work. I personally could care less about this movie, but I'm anxious to see what they can do.
i got the italian version lol i want the english!!!